Have you considered that your various products can all have associated blogs? Have you considered that various departments within your organization can all have blogs?
And once you have a blog or a few blogs, do you know who’s visiting them? Who’s commenting on them? Are they even open for comments or are they just a “one-way” communication? Will you allow anonymous comments? Will you respond to harsh and negative, perhaps even obscene comments? These and other questions must be considered when branching out into the world of social media.
As always, honesty is key when attempting to market via blogs. As long as you and those in charge of posting and responding to comments on your blog are up front and polite, you can accomplish a great deal in the areas of customer service, new product releases, sales as well as
- Customer Relationship Building / Management
- Media and Public Relations
- Brand Reputation Management
- Linking and Search Engine Optimization
Let DexterityMedia.com, a leading Search Engine Optimization Company & Interactive Media Agency with offices in Dallas and New York, put a flexible plan to work for your online presence management campaign.